In the initial stages of the pandemic, writer Elif Shafak, in her recently published essay How to Stay Sane in an Age of Division, recalled seeing signage spring up in parks in London with the question: “when all this is over how do you want the world to be a different place?”.

Welcome to Issue 48 of the FSC Policy Update. In 2021, this member briefing on the main legislative and regulatory changes across the financial services industry will be issued monthly.  The new Design and Distribution Obligations (DDO) commence in October this year. I provide an update here on work the FSC is doing to prepare template Target Market Determinations (TMDs).

The FSC welcomes Andrew Morgan, Acting Managing Director of MLC Wealth as a Director to the FSC Board.

Parliament will very soon have the opportunity to debate the Government’s ‘Your Future, Your Super’ reforms that were announced in the October 2020 Budget. 

The Government legislated a second tranche of Royal Commission recommendations, with the Financial Sector Reform (Hayne Royal Commission Response) Bill 2020 passing Parliament on the final sitting day of 2020. 

Policy wonk heaven over the Christmas break will surely be relaxing on the back deck with a beer and a copy of the recently released Retirement Income Review. 

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