The FSC conducts its meetings and requires its members, when participating in its meetings, to conduct themselves in accordance with all legal obligations. Please refer to the FSC competition law compliance statement below.

The FSC is committed to conducting its meetings in accordance with all applicable requirements applying to it and its Members. Members of the FSC may be competitive suppliers of relevant goods and services. It is therefore important that members are aware of their obligations under the Australian Competition and Consumer Act and act in accordance with those obligations:

For this purpose:

  • Participants agree that they will not, in the context of participating in an FSC meeting, reach any arrangement or understanding with respect to the pricing or terms on which they may supply products or services in competition with each other.
  • Participants agree that they will not engage in conduct which may have the purpose of restricting or limiting competition between participants or otherwise engage in conduct with the purpose or effect of limiting competition in a relevant market.
  • Participants will not, in the context of an FSC meeting, disclose information which may be said to be competitively sensitive. In particular participants agree that they will not share information about current or future commercial decisions or strategy.  This includes, but is not limited to, the disclosure or current or target pricing, margins, or customers.
  • All meetings otherwise will be conducted so as not to cause any potential breach of the Australian Consumer and Competition Law or any other relevant law.