News Article

The financial services industry is closing out a challenging 2021, not only as a result of the continuing reverberations from COVID-19, but due to the significant waves of regulation that were implemented or commenced operation.

The Modern Slavery Amendment Bill 2021 has been passed by New South Wales Parliament on 14 October 2021. This Bill amends the Modern Slavery Act 2018 (NSW), with the amended Bill will now commencing on 1 January 2022.

ASIC asked Deloitte Access Economics to undertake independent research examining competition in the funds management sector with a focus on the outcomes that the industry is delivering for investors in retail managed investment schemes.

The Financial Accountability Regime draft bill (FAR Bill) was introduced into the House of Representatives on Thursday 28 October.

When the Government’s ‘Your Future, Your Super’ reforms were passed this year they introduced an important consumer protection to ‘staple’ superannuation members to their fund, so that they take their superannuation account with them from job to job. The stapling regime came into effect on 1 November.

The launch of the FSC’s White Paper on Financial Advice this month has been well received. While it will hard code the philosophy and direction of FSC advocacy for the sector going forward – reform cannot come soon enough. 

The House of Representatives Standing Committee on Economics is currently holding an inquiry into the implications of common ownership and capital concentration in Australia.

The FSC has made no secret of the need to reduce the regulatory burden on the financial services industry, particularly financial advice, in its advocacy to Government and regulators.

Tuesday 28 September 2021 was an important milestone for the life insurance industry. 

The recently released Intergenerational Report shows the implications of an ageing population with rising health costs and fewer taxpayers by 2060.

The start date of the Design and Distribution Obligations, or DDO, is rapidly approaching. 

The FSC made a submission on 13 August to Treasury in respect of the Financial Accountability Regime (FAR) draft Bill, a recommendation of the Hayne Royal Commission due to start from 1 July, 2023.